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Chick Lit: The New Woman's Fiction
Suzanne Ferriss, Mallory Young
A történetárus
Jostein Gaarder
And Then He Kissed Her
Laura Lee Guhrke
A Few Good Books: Using Contemporary Readers' Advisory Strategies to Connect Readers With Books
Stephanie L. Maatta
Cinder (Holdbéli krónikák, #1)
Marissa Meyer
Dark and Disorderly
Bernita Harris
Éjféli gyors Lisszabonba
Pascal Mercier

The Agency 1: A Spy in the House: Spy in the House No. 1

A Spy in the House (The Agency #1) - Y.S. Lee http://olvasonaplo.freeblog.hu/archives/2011/07/03/YS_Lee_A_Spy_in_the_House_-_The_Agency_1/